Brand Your Brilliance
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Strategies for Success
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Live Communication Mastery (February 12, 2017)
When you attend Communications Mastery, you will walk away with: Confidence Good self awareness (poise, attributes) Navigating to more effective communication Learn what your best communication style is (Speech, branding, style) How to apply a branding process in your own life Leadership An understanding of various interaction styles, including your own How you can make small changes in everyday conversations in order to substantially change your results! You will leave with a broader understanding with a specific Rx for you that you can take back in everyday life to make it successful! Kimberly Gerber helps people make shifts to the…

Women’s Conference (December 15, 2016)
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] Come hear Kimberly speak at the upcoming women's conference. Details here. Sign up form info here. [/av_textblock]

Communication Mastery (January 25-27, 2017)
Excelerate's Communication Mastery three-day live event is a transformational experience where leaders, managers, and high-potentials are provided feedback, technique training and coaching to enable them to master communication and elevate their impact. 3-Day Dynamic Live Event 2 Pre-Workshop Assessments 3 Post Workshop Coaching Sessions Access to Excelerate Library of Tools January 25-27, 2017 in Irvine, CA REGISTER TODAY Participants Rave... "I will tell you the experience was one of the richest staff development experiences I have had. I learned so much about how to get things done within the world of strong leaders with whom I work by understanding where…